Alchemist of the Moon Garden

Welcome to the Moon Garden. A land infused with magic where some of the greatest alchemical and spell components can be harvested.  You are a druid of the Moon Garden, you are charged of protecting the garden from vicious monsters and upkeep of the plants. It has been very quiet and peaceful for decades, which is how you prefer it. However, there has been an increase of trespassers making a mess of the Garden.

It's up to you to shoo away the miscreants! 

While you are armed, your blade was bestowed by your Druidic order. A weapon intended for peace, you'll need to balance between light and dark to do any harm.

Use various plants and minerals to craft powerful spells to protect yourself and aid the garden.

A playable browser version is available on GX games.

Game Dev Document on google doc.

Updated 3 days ago
Made withGameMaker


GDD Alchemist of the Moon Garden

Development log


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(2 edits)

Nice game! I love 2D Zelda style gameplay.

Game runs well on Firefox for walking and rolling, but pressing SHIFT to attack sends me to a black screen! The same thing happens on Chrome. The GX Games version does work for attacking though.

Found a bug: The game crashes with message “Variable gamePausedImageSpeed not set before reading it”.

How to reproduce:

  1. Start game,
  2. Press ESC for pause menu,
  3. Press ENTER on the ‘Continue’ text,
  4. Press S to go down to ‘Main Menu’ text,
  5. Press ESC to exit pause menu,
  6. Game crashes with the above error message.